What is jawbone?

The jawbone, also known as the mandible, is the largest and strongest bone in the human face. It forms the lower jaw and plays a crucial role in various functions related to dental health, chewing, and speaking abilities.

Role of Jawbone in your dental health

Support for Teeth:

The jawbone provides a sturdy foundation for the teeth. Teeth are anchored into sockets within the jawbone through structures called periodontal ligaments. A healthy jawbone is necessary to support the teeth securely in place.


The jawbone serves as the attachment point for muscles involved in chewing (mastication). When you chew food, the movement of the jawbone in coordination with muscles allows for effective grinding and breaking down of food into smaller, digestible pieces. A strong and properly aligned jawbone is essential for efficient chewing.

Speech Articulation:

The movements of the jawbone, along with the tongue, lips, and other oral structures, are integral to speech production. Different sounds are formed by precise movements of the jawbone, such as opening and closing, as well as variations in its position.

Facial Structure and Appearance:

The jawbone contributes significantly to the overall shape and structure of the face. A well-developed jawbone can provide support and definition to the lower face, contributing to a balanced facial appearance.

Bone Density Maintenance:

Like other bones in the body, the jawbone requires stimulation to maintain its density and strength. Activities such as chewing and biting provide this necessary stimulation. Without proper stimulation, the jawbone can lose density over time, leading to issues such as bone loss or resorption, which can compromise dental health and facial structure.

Signs that your Jawbone is Vulnerable

  1. Pain or Discomfort: Persistent pain or discomfort in the jawbone, especially while chewing or speaking, can be a sign of underlying issues such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, tooth decay, gum disease, or bone loss.
  2. Swelling or Inflammation: Swelling or inflammation in the jaw area may indicate an infection, such as an abscessed tooth or periodontal (gum) disease, which can affect the health of the jawbone.
  3. Loose Teeth: Loose teeth or changes in the alignment of your teeth could be a sign of bone loss or weakening of the jawbone structure. This may be due to conditions such as periodontitis (advanced gum disease) or osteoporosis.
  4. Difficulty Chewing or Biting: If you experience difficulty chewing or biting down properly, it could indicate problems with the jawbone or the temporomandibular joint. This might be due to issues such as misalignment of the jaw, arthritis, or other joint disorders.
  5. Clicking or Popping Sounds: Clicking, popping, or grinding noises in the jaw joint (TMJ) when opening or closing your mouth may indicate dysfunction or inflammation of the joint, which can affect the surrounding bone.
  6. Limited Jaw Movement: Restricted or limited movement of the jaw, including difficulty opening or closing the mouth fully, can be a sign of various jaw disorders or bone-related issues.
  7. Bone Loss on Dental X-Rays: Dentists can detect signs of bone loss or deterioration on dental X-rays. If your dentist notices changes in the density or structure of the jawbone on X-rays, further evaluation may be necessary.